1. Write.
Hearing from us on a regular basis is important! It is an ezine marketing tip we can use to set us apart. It helps people remember us and track us down when they are ready to buy!
2. Good.
Put together stuff folks like? Our ezine publishing efforts become important to people. Any schedule is okay. We do want to be somewhat regular and consistent. That way people know when to expect us. They begin to look forward to us!
3. Simple.
Ezine publishing can be as simple as sending a little electronic note. Or home made video on a regular basis.
4. List
We build a list. People share our message and others opt in. Our list grows. What we share keeps us in touch.
5. Brief.
Short messages catch more attention. Summaries with links for each topic help! People who want more ask by clicking.
6. Relationship.
Over time, we build a relationship. Our readers begin to respect and trust us, to like us. When people respect, like and trust us they are more likely to want to buy what we offer.
7. Target.
We can invite more people! We can put invitations as advertisements in places we expect to find people who are similar in what they want to our customers. That is our target market. People who are most likely to be satisfied buying what we offer!
8. Show up!
We get in front of them. We plan our efforts. We make a note when we find an ezine marketing tip that feels like a fit for us. We attract more people to our list and build relationships. Customers remember us and come back. We get referrals as our content is shared. We attract new clients.
9. Asset
When we are consistent in ezine publishing over time? Our list becomes our asset. It represents relationships with people who know, like and trust us. People control their own access. Anyone can click on an unsubscribe link and stop hearing from us at any time. This is great because it helps us to disqualify people who may not be a good fit with us. By providing value people do spread our message for us. Word of mouth creates a buzz. More people join our list and figure whether they like and trust us.
10. How
Here's how! For example, two seasons of the year I receive daily notes from author and Catholic priest Father John Amsberry. He sends seasonal daily messages. He begins in our Advent season: the weeks preparing before Christmas. He also begins during our Lent season, when we as church prepare for Holy Week and our Easter season. Father John's messages are fairly brief. He is always inspirational! He ends with a short prayer. During Advent Father John has often repeated an important message, saying:
"Slow down. Observe. Enjoy."
Ezine marketing tip: Father John is effective because he stays in touch on a regular basis. His messages match those of his books. He consistently prompts good feelings. Messages become expected. For myself, I am eager to open and read his content. I know it will be a positive, uplifting and spiritual connection. Do you know what else Father John Amsberry does every now and then? He writes another book! When Father John publishes a book he has a list of people who like to hear from him and are likely to buy his new book.
Father John is ezine publishing! He is building relationships. In between books, people interested in what he has to say receive little pieces of great content. We remember him. We look forward to his next books. Even with his hectic schedule, he keeps in touch on a regular basis. He writes a little bit and gets it to his list. You are branding yourself when you do this! Father Amsberry brands his life with the message "You Are Loved" and "U Are Loved" and "U R Loved."
Ezine marketing tip: you can too! Find a way you like to communicate. Trust your gut. You want a way you are comfortable sharing useful stuff. Build a list of people who opt in because they want to keep up with what you are doing. You are branding yourself as an authority. Branding yourself is at the heart of all ezine marketing tips! Your ezine publishing can catapult your venture into rock hard success.